Introduction to Shari’ah & Islamic Jurisprudence (Third Edition)
ISBN: 9789834371036
Page: 236
Price: RM 40.00 (softcover)
What the author says about this book :
This book begins by discussing some fundamental points related to Islamic law such as the definition of fiqh and Shari’ah and other important issues related to these two terms. The objective of Shari’ah, which is considered as fundamental in understanding the very purpose of the revelation of rulings in Islamic law, is also elaborated. In addition, the characteristics of Shari’ah, which differentiate the law of Allah with others laws are discussed in details. The following discussion concentrates on the sources of Islamic Law from which the different rulings in Islam are deduced.
Dr. Mohamad Akram Laldin
Executive Director
International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA)